Our Job Oriented Courses
3 Months Courses
Sl. No. Course Duration
1 CCA (Certificate in Computer Application) 3 Months
2 CDP (Certificate in Desktop Publishing) 3 Months
3 CFA (Certificate in Financial Accounting) 3 Months
4 COA (Certificate in Office Automation) 3 Months
5 BCH (Basic Course in HTML) 3 Months
6 CHM (Certificate in Hardware Maintenance) 3 Months
7 BHM (Basic in Hardware Maintenance) 3 Months
8 BGD (Basic in Graphic Design) 3 Months
9 C-CAD – 2D (Certificate in Computer Aided Designing – 2D) 3 Months
10 C-CAD – 3D (Certificate in Computer Aided Designing – 3D) 3 Months
11 BWD (Basic in Web Designing) 3 Months
12 PHP MySql 3 Months
13 BCC(Basic Course in C Programming) 3 Months
14 VB.NET 3 Months
6 Months Courses
Sl. No. Course Duration
1 DCA (Diploma in Computer Application) 6 Months
2 DOA (Diploma in Office Automation) 6 Months
3 DIT (Diploma in Information Technology) 6 Months
4 COAP (Certificate in Office Automation & Publishing) 6 Months
5 DTP (Desktop Publishing) 6 Months
6 DTA (Diploma in Taxation & Accountancy) 6 Months
7 CCA-T (Certificate in Computer Application with Tally) 6 Months
8 DPAT (Diploma in Professional Accounting & Tally) 6 Months
9 DAFT (Diploma in Accounting Finance Taxation) 6 Months
10 CDP-T (Certificate in Desktop Publishing with Tally) 6 Months
11 DCHM (Diploma in Computer Hardware Maintenance) 6 Months
12 CCHN (Certificate in Computer Hardware & Networking) 6 Months
13 CGD (Certificate in Graphic Design) 6 Months
14 D-CAD (Diploma in Computer Aided Designing) 6 Months
15 DMM (Diploma in MultiMedia) 6 Months
16 AJP (Advanced Java Programming) 6 Months
17 BCCP (Basic in C & C++ Programming) 6 Months
12 Months Courses
Sl. No. Course Duration
1 DOAP (Diploma in Office Automation & Publishing) 12 Months
2 ADCA (Advance Diploma in Computer Application) 12 Months
3 ADIT (Advance Diploma in Information Technology) 12 Months
4 ADCTT (Advance Diploma in Computer Teacher Training) 12 Months
5 ADCAP (Advanced Diploma in Computer Application & Programming) 12 Months
6 PG-DST (Post Graduate Diploma in Software Technology) 12 Months
7 ADPAT (Advanced Diploma in Professional Accounting & Tally) 12 Months

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